Desert of Longing: The Unfading Shadow

The memory is raw; tries to be pushed down, but it rises
Slow, stealthy, and waiting—it always rises.
The memory is raw; hunger stirs and rises.
Efforts are made to push and run, yet it rises.
It can’t be suppressed, can’t be buried. It rises.

Hunger rises, the throat a desert. Was it a mirage?
Bodies once entwined, now separated by an ocean of sand.
The grit and sweat can be felt on the skin, parched, longing for water,
Desperate to quench this thirst. Yet the hunger still rises, unquenched.

Even in the cool of night, the memory lingers, a shadow that won’t fade.
It whispers in the wind, in the rustle of leaves, in the silence of the dark.
Eyes are closed in an attempt to shut it out, but it seeps into dreams,
Coloring them with shades of longing and loss. It rises, always rises.

Each morning brings a brief reprieve, a moment of clarity before the flood returns.
The sunlight warms the face, but the warmth is fleeting.
Soon, the hunger stirs again, an insistent gnawing that won’t be ignored.
Solace is sought in routine, in the mundane, but it rises, always rises.

By Kerry A. Wiley


The poem, “Desert of Longing: The Unfading Shadow” emerged during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, a period marked by uncertainty and isolation. Writing this poem was both a relief and a painful process, as it forced me to confront the deep feelings of loss and longing that developed during those long months of lockdown. The poem’s imagery of an unyielding desert represents these emotions—vast, empty, and persistent—capturing a shared human experience during times of significant change (Galea et al., 2020).

Themes in the Poem

Isolation and Memory: The Lingering Echoes

The sense of isolation and the persistent rise of memories in the poem mirror the shared experience of the pandemic. Being confined to our homes gave us plenty of time to reflect, often bringing back memories of better times with a strong impact. This feeling is similar to the stories on Wiley’s Walk, where isolation often leads to deep emotional responses. It’s not just about physical separation; it’s emotional too, as memories refuse to fade and keep returning, like an “unfading shadow” (Cacioppo et al., 2018).

Longing and Loss: A Universal Grief

The poem’s imagery of a “desert” and “hunger” captures the universal feelings of longing and loss, especially during the pandemic. The line “bodies once entwined, now separated by an ocean of sand” conveys the emotional and physical distances felt during this time. The theme of unfulfilled desire extends beyond the pandemic, reflecting a recurring motif in literature and life—the deep yearning for connection and the pain of separation (Caldwell et al., 2020).

Resilience and Self-Advocacy: Finding Strength

Even with its somber tone, the poem hints at resilience. The “unfading shadow” of memories and emotions shows ongoing struggle but also inner strength. Writing helped cope with these complex feelings during the pandemic. This reflects the themes on Wiley’s Walk, where stories often center on overcoming challenges through self-advocacy and empowerment—finding your voice and taking control during tough times (Wiley, 2024).

Personal Reflection and Literary Contrast

Writing “Desert of Longing: The Unfading Shadow” was a deeply personal experience. It helped me face feelings of isolation and loss, and I found a sense of connection with others who experienced similar struggles.

The poem’s key themes—memory, longing, resilience—reflect not just the past but our ability to endure and grow stronger. It serves as a reminder that, even with lingering shadows, hope always remains.

Reference List

  • Cacioppo, J. T., Capitanio, J. P., & Cacioppo, S. (2018). Toward a neurology of loneliness. Psychological Bulletin, 144(6), 1089-1101.
  • Caldwell, C., Arnold, M., & Mank, A. (2020). The impact of trauma on emotion regulation: A focus on mindfulness. Clinical Psychology Review, 77, 101823.
  • Galea, S., Merchant, R. M., & Lurie, N. (2020). The mental health consequences of COVID-19 and physical distancing: The need for prevention and early intervention. JAMA Internal Medicine, 180(6), 817-818.
  • Wiley, K. A. (2024). Desert of Longing: The Unfading Shadow. [Poem].

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