Beyond the Walk: A Journey to Inclusive Recreation and Accessibility

Wiley’s Walk began as a personal challenge—a test of my limits and a desire to discover if I could walk without assistive devices. What started as a solitary goal quickly transformed into a broader mission: advocating for accessible, inclusive environments across critical areas like health, education, employment, recreation, and community participation.

Initially, my focus was singular—walking. Yet, along the way, unexpected setbacks, such as temporary injuries and the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, shifted my perspective. Although I didn’t achieve my defined milestone, I gained something far more valuable: a profound understanding of the crucial role recreation and fitness play in enhancing the well-being of people with disabilities.

The pandemic further highlighted systemic gaps, magnifying the urgency of this mission. Four years later, the need to create equitable access to these opportunities is more apparent—and more critical—than ever.

Inclusive Recreation: Definition and Importance

Inclusive recreation involves creating activities and spaces where individuals of all abilities can participate fully. It seeks to remove physical, cognitive, and sensory barriers to ensure that everyone can engage meaningfully in leisure experiences. For those with physical disabilities, this may include adaptive sports like wheelchair basketball, swimming with pool lifts, or hiking trails designed for mobility devices (Anderson & Heyne, 2016).

For individuals with intellectual disabilities, inclusive recreation could involve structured programs such as art or cooking classes that use visual aids or simplified instructions to promote active participation. For those with sensory disabilities, such as visual or hearing impairments, it might include features like braille signage, tactile guides on nature trails, American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation at events, or sensory-friendly movie nights with adjusted lighting and sound. These examples show how inclusive recreation accommodates diverse needs, creating environments where all individuals can enjoy the benefits of leisure and social interaction together (Anderson & Heyne, 2016).

Inclusive recreation goes beyond providing physical access; it aims to break down social and attitudinal barriers to create a welcoming environment where people with disabilities feel included and empowered. The goal is to design spaces where everyone, regardless of ability, can actively participate (Anderson & Heyne, 2016). Programs like adaptive sports leagues and fitness classes with seated exercises, such as wheelchair basketball, are great examples of this approach.

These activities promote physical movement and help foster social connections, supporting both mental and physical health. For people with disabilities, recreation is vital, emphasizing inclusion and community as much as fitness.

Lessons from the Pandemic: The Importance of Access

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically disrupted access to recreation for everyone, but its impact on individuals with disabilities was particularly significant.

As gyms, parks, and community centers closed, many people without disabilities could easily switch to home workouts or virtual fitness classes. The transition was relatively simple for them. However, individuals with disabilities who rely on adaptive fitness programs had far fewer options. These programs offer more than just exercise—they provide specialized equipment and trained staff, making them essential for maintaining health and well-being.

When access to these programs was lost, it became more than an interruption in routine. It heightened health risks for many (Jesus et al., 2021). Physical activity is crucial for managing chronic conditions like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, which are prevalent among individuals with disabilities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020.) had already noted that people with disabilities face higher rates of these conditions, and the sudden loss of fitness opportunities during the pandemic only widened these disparities (Jesus et al., 2021.)

Research reported that more than 70% of people with disabilities experienced a decline in physical activity during the pandemic (Rowland et al., 2014; Jesus et al., 2021.) For many, this decline wasn’t just about fitness; it was about managing critical health conditions. The pandemic exposed the fragility of existing supports, reinforcing how essential adaptive recreation is to maintaining well-being.

The Lingering Psychological Impact

Even years after the shutdowns, the mental health effects of losing access to these inclusive programs are still felt. For many, these activities weren’t just about exercise—they were vital for forming relationships and easing social isolation. During the pandemic, 47% of people with disabilities reported increased loneliness, compared to 28% of those without disabilities (Holm, 2022.)

The sudden stop to these programs worsened mental health challenges for those already at higher risk of loneliness. Statistics also show that adults with disabilities are three times more likely to experience symptoms of depression, and the loss of these programs exacerbated that vulnerability (CDC, 2020).

While many facilities have reopened, the psychological impact of losing these connections lingers (Holm, 2022; Luchetti et al., 2020.) The lack of both physical activity and social interaction during the pandemic has been linked to increased anxiety and depression. A 2021 report found that 53% of people with disabilities experienced increased anxiety during the pandemic due to the lack of social and recreational outlets (National Council on Disability, 2021.)

Rebuilding Stronger: Moving Toward Inclusion

The gaps in access exposed by the pandemic emphasize the need for systemic change. Although gyms, parks, and fitness centers have largely returned to normal operations, adaptive fitness programs and inclusive sports leagues have been slower to recover. This delay reflects a broader issue: the failure to adequately prioritize the needs of individuals with disabilities in public health and recreational planning.

Looking ahead, it is crucial to treat inclusive recreation as a fundamental part of public health infrastructure. Adaptive fitness programs must be seen as essential services, not optional extras. These programs are crucial for the health and well-being of individuals with disabilities. To ensure this, they should be integrated into future public health strategies.

Recreational spaces also need to be designed with accessibility in mind from the very beginning. Retrofitting existing spaces often falls short of meeting the needs of people with disabilities. Prioritizing inclusive design ensures that people with and without disabilities can participate without barriers, from the outset.

Virtual fitness platforms offer another opportunity to rethink accessibility, particularly in online spaces. By offering adaptive exercises and creating user-friendly interfaces, these platforms can play a key role in inclusive recreation. A user-friendly interface is one that is simple to navigate, with features accessible to people of all abilities. For instance, a fitness app with adjustable font sizes, voice-guided workouts, and adaptive exercise options would allow individuals with visual impairments or limited mobility to fully engage in a workout routine. Such tools can be valuable in making fitness truly inclusive

Conclusion: Prioritizing Inclusive Recreation

Four years after the pandemic began, the value of inclusive recreation has become more apparent than ever. It exposed significant gaps in access for people with disabilities, showing how easily these opportunities can be disrupted. Recreation plays a crucial role in maintaining physical health, mental well-being, and social connection. The loss of these experiences has left a lasting impact.

Communities can take meaningful steps by incorporating inclusive design into recreational spaces from the outset. Public health efforts should embrace adaptive fitness as a core service, ensuring it’s available to everyone. Virtual platforms also need to evolve to offer adaptive exercises and accessible features so that no one is left behind. The path forward is clear. The question remains: will inclusive recreation be prioritized so that everyone, regardless of ability, can benefit?

Looking ahead, it is clear that inclusive recreation isn’t just a nice-to-have—it is essential It supports physical activity, fosters connection, and promotes mental well-being. Ensuring everyone can participate is key to building more inclusive communities. Now is the time to consider how that can be made a reality.


  • Anderson, L., & Heyne, L. (2016). Therapeutic recreation: A person-centered approach to inclusive recreation. Sagamore Publishing.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Disability and health data system (DHDS): Health outcomes.
  • Emerson, E., Fortune, N., Llewellyn, G., & Stancliffe, R. (2020). Loneliness, social support, social isolation and wellbeing among working age adults with and without disability: Cross-sectional study. Disability and Health Journal, 14(1), 100965.
  • Gallant, K., Hutchinson, S. L., Hamilton-Hinch, B., & Lauckner, H. (2015). The benefits of recreation for the recovery and social inclusion of individuals with mental illness: An integrative review. Leisure Sciences, 37(1), 1-21.
  • Holm, M. E., Sainio, P., Parikka, S., & Koskinen, S. (2022). The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychosocial well-being of people with disabilities. Disability and health journal, 15(2), 101224.
  • Iwasaki, Y., Coyle, C. P., & Shank, J. W. (2010). Leisure as a context for active living, recovery, health, and life quality for persons with mental illness in a global context. Health Promotion International, 25(4), 483–494.
  • Jesus, T. S., Bhattacharjya, S., Papadimitriou, C., Bogdanova, Y., Bentley, J., Arango-Lasprilla, J. C., Kamalakannan, S., & The Refugee Empowerment Task Force International Networking Group Of The American Congress Of Rehabilitation Medicine (2021). Lockdown-Related Disparities Experienced by People with Disabilities during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Scoping Review with Thematic Analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(12), 6178.
  • Luchetti, M., Lee, J. H., Aschwanden, D., Sesker, A., Strickhouser, J. E., Terracciano, A., & Sutin, A. R. (2020). The trajectory of loneliness in response to COVID-19. The American psychologist, 75(7), 897–908.
  • National Council on Disability (2021). COVID-19 and its impact on the disability community: A report.
  • Rowland, M., Peterson-Besse, J., Dobbertin, K., Walsh, E. S., & Horner-Johnson, W. (2014). Health outcome disparities among subgroups of people with disabilities: A scoping review. Disability and Health Journal, 7(2), 136–150.
  • Smith, G. (1994). Community recreation programming to facilitate social inclusion: Rules of thumb. Impact, 16(2). Institute on Community Integration.

Building Truly Inclusive Workplaces: Are We Doing Enough Beyond Awareness?

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), observed each October, encourages organizations to celebrate the talents and contributions of employees with disabilities while promoting equal employment opportunities. Established in 1945, NDEAM plays an important role in starting conversations about inclusion of people with disabilities in employment and the workforce.

While significant progress has been made in raising awareness, the next step is to shift the focus toward implementing lasting and meaningful change. The challenge now is to move beyond recognition and work towards embedding long-term strategies that promote genuine inclusive principles in everyday business practices.

One powerful way to achieve this is by embracing Universal Design (UD), an approach that considers accessibility in the structure of workplaces, making them functional for all employees from the start (Jaeger & Bowman, 2020).

Shifting from Reactive Accommodations to Proactive Design

Traditionally, accommodations have been offered in response to individual needs, requiring employees to disclose their disabilities to receive support. While accommodations are vital, this approach can make accessibility seem like an additional, separate effort rather than a natural part of workplace design. Universal Design shifts this perspective.

Rather than focusing on individual modifications, Universal Design takes a proactive approach, ensuring that work spaces and workflows are designed to meet the diverse needs of all employees from the start (Jaeger & Bowman, 2011). Yet, many workplaces still rely on standardized digital tools that, while useful for some, can unintentionally create barriers for individuals with visual, auditory, intellectual, or sensory disabilities. These barriers often lead to frustration and decreased productivity, highlighting the need for more inclusive solutions.

To improve support for a diverse range of needs, organizations can implement features that enhance accessibility for everyone. One key example is real-time captioning, which provides instant on-screen text during meetings or presentations. This feature makes communication easier for employees with hearing impairments, allowing them to fully participate.

Another essential tool is screen-reader compatibility. By converting on-screen text into speech or Braille, screen readers enable individuals with visual impairments to engage more effectively with digital content.

In addition to these tools, intuitive interfaces are crucial for simplifying digital platforms. An intuitive interface is a design that allows users to interact with technology, often without the need for extensive training. It anticipates user needs and makes tasks more straightforward. For example, an intuitive interface might use familiar elements like easily recognizable icons or touch gestures, allowing users to quickly understand how to navigate the system.

Features such as drag-and-drop functionality and clearly labeled buttons help users complete tasks quickly and effortlessly. These features reduce complexity and enhance usability for everyone, particularly for individuals with cognitive or sensory challenges. With these intuitive elements, digital tools work more smoothly, minimizing the need for constant adjustments.

This approach reflects the social model of disability, which emphasizes that challenges often arise from poorly designed environments. By embracing Universal Design, organizations can create more inclusive work spaces where fewer retroactive fixes are required, leading to a more seamless and supportive experience for all employees (Jaeger & Bowman, 2020).

Universal Design in Physical Spaces: A Broader Approach to Inclusion

Universal Design extends beyond digital tools to the physical layout of workplaces. By designing spaces that are accessible from the outset, companies can accommodate not only people with disabilities but also those who may experience temporary mobility challenges or the effects of aging. Features such as wide hallways, adjustable workstations, and automatic doors benefit everyone, not just specific individuals.

A recent report from the World Health Organization highlighted that environments designed with Universal Design (UD) principles can improve both well-being and productivity. These findings suggest that inclusive design is not only a responsible choice but also a practical approach to enhancing business outcomes.

When accessibility is built into the very architecture of a workspace, it supports a culture where all employees can contribute fully and thrive (World Health Organization, 2022).

The Critical Role of Leadership in Sustaining Inclusion

Designing an accessible workplace is just one part of the solution. Equally important are strong leadership and accountability to make sure inclusion becomes a lasting and natural part of company culture. Without leadership commitment, inclusion efforts can easily remain surface-level and fail to create real change.

For example, a company might add ramps and automatic doors to make the office more accessible. However, if leaders don’t also push for inclusive practices—like encouraging diverse voices in decision-making or offering flexible work options—the physical changes alone won’t lead to a fully inclusive environment.

Research shows that companies with diverse leadership teams are better at developing and maintaining policies that promote inclusion. This not only boosts employee engagement but also sparks more innovation (Schur, Kruse, & Blanck, 2020).

For instance, a tech company with diverse leadership might create mentorship programs, focus on hiring from underrepresented groups, and foster open discussions about inclusion. Leaders set the tone by showing that every employee’s contribution is valued, helping make inclusion part of everyday business.

Accountability is just as important. Leaders need to take responsibility for making inclusion work long-term. This means setting clear goals, tracking progress, and holding teams accountable for creating an inclusive environment. For example, a company could set yearly diversity targets, review training programs regularly, and ask employees for feedback on how inclusive the workplace feels. By doing this, they make sure inclusion is a continuous effort, not a one-time initiative.

However, for leadership to drive meaningful change, it must go beyond symbolic gestures. To make inclusion sustainable, organizations need to implement clear and actionable accountability measures. For example, accessibility audits—which assess whether physical spaces, digital tools, and company policies are truly accessible to all employees—can help identify areas for improvement. Additionally, transparent diversity reports provide regular updates on the company’s progress in hiring, promoting, and supporting employees from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that goals are being met.

Another valuable tool is feedback loops, which create channels for employees to share their experiences and ideas. These could include anonymous surveys or regular check-ins where staff can voice concerns or suggestions about workplace inclusion. Encouraging open communication ensures that leadership remains aware of real-time challenges and can address them proactively.

By taking these concrete steps, companies can move beyond surface-level inclusivity—where efforts focus more on policies than actual practice—and work toward genuinely embedding accessibility and inclusion into the core of their operations (Korkmaz et al., 2022; Schur et al., 2017). These ongoing efforts help create an environment where all employees feel valued and supported, leading to long-term success.

Sustaining Inclusion Beyond NDEAM

While National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) highlights important issues surrounding employment for individuals with disabilities, the true objective is to encourage sustained, everyday efforts that drive meaningful change.

Inclusion should not be something businesses focus on just for employees with disabilities—it should be part of how things are done every day. For example, when accessibility is built into leadership practices, such as offering flexible work options or using accessible communication tools, it benefits everyone, not just those with specific needs.

Similarly, integrating accessible technology, like screen readers or closed captioning in virtual meetings, helps ensure all employees can contribute. By weaving accessibility into the overall design of the workplace, companies create an environment where everyone has the tools they need to do their best work.

This approach benefits everyone, not just those who need specific accommodations. Inclusive workplaces drive greater innovation, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Companies that commit to sustained, thoughtful inclusion foster spaces where diverse talent can contribute fully, improving the overall success of the organization (Guffey, Loewy, & Almonte, 2021).

Creating inclusive workplaces benefits everyone—not just those needing specific accommodations. Companies that prioritize long-term inclusion foster environments that boost innovation, employee engagement, and overall productivity. When organizations commit to integrating accessibility into leadership practices, technology, and physical spaces, they cultivate a culture where diverse talents can thrive, enhancing their overall success.

Advancing Inclusive Principles: A Path Forward

Inclusion isn’t just a one-time initiative; it is an ongoing effort that demands attention. Start with regular accessibility audits to make sure both physical spaces and digital platforms are meeting a variety of needs Clear diversity reporting is also key for tracking progress and keeping accountability in check.

Open feedback loops give employees with and without disabilities a chance to share their experiences, helping organizations continually improve their inclusion strategies. For instance, offering flexible work options or using assistive technologies like real-time captioning can make a big difference, reinforcing the commitment to accessibility.

As organizations strive for more inclusive workplaces, the question becomes: Will these principles be fully integrated into everyday operations, or continue to be addressed only when necessary?


  • Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D., & Almonte, R. (2021). Business communication: Process and product (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Jaeger, P. T. (2011). Disability and the Internet: Confronting a digital divide. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Korkmaz, A. V., van Engen, M. L., Knappert, L., & Schalk, R. (2022). About and beyond leading uniqueness and belongingness: A systematic review of inclusive leadership research. Human Resource Management Review, 32(4), 100894.
  • Schur, L., Han, K., Kim, A., Ameri, M., Blanck, P., & Kruse, D. (2017). Disability at Work: A Look Back and Forward. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 27(4), 482–497.
  • World Health Organization, & United Nations Children’s Fund. (2022). Global report on assistive technology. World Health Organization.

The Silent Architecture of Exclusion: How Design and Norms Marginalize Disability

Imagine stepping into a room where something feels slightly off—the arrangement of chairs, the narrow pathways, or doorways that seem too tight. There is a subtle sense that the space wasn’t designed with everyone in mind.

For many individuals with disabilities, this is a daily reality. Beyond obvious obstacles like stairs or inaccessible doorways, numerous smaller, often unnoticed barriers make a place feel unwelcoming or difficult to navigate. While some people move through these environments without a second thought, others—especially those with disabilities—may find themselves struggling to fit in or feeling marginalized (Garland-Thomson, 2019). These barriers, both large and small, highlight a deeper issue in how disability is perceived and accommodated.

Disability refers to a wide range of physical, sensory, cognitive, and emotional differences that affect how individuals interact with the world around them. Often, it is viewed as something outside of the “norm”, which shapes public attitudes and reinforces marginalization—the process by which certain groups are pushed to the edges of social or physical spaces, making them less visible or included (Davis, 2017).

This marginalization extends beyond physical barriers, encompassing how disability is understood, how environments are designed, and how societal systems function (Scully, 2021). Exploring these dynamics reveals why exclusion happens and offers insight into how it can be rethought.

The “Othered Other” and Marginalization

The concept of the “othered other” sheds light on this experience of exclusion. It describes how people with disabilities are not only seen as different but also as fundamentally separate from societal norms (Kafer, 2017).

Lennard J. Davis (2017) suggests that society holds tightly to a rigid idea of what constitutes a “normal” body. Anyone who does not fit this narrow standard is labeled as deficient, creating a divide between those who meet the ideal and those who do not.

This form of marginalization goes deeper than simply being seen as different. It involves being treated as though one does not belong in the same spaces or share the same expectations. For instance, consider a student with a hearing impairment attending a lecture without captioning or sign language interpretation.

While other students easily follow the lecture, this student struggles—not because of the hearing impairment itself, but due to the lack of accommodations that would enable full participation (Kittay, 2019). Many in the room may assume the environment works for everyone, but for this student, their needs have been overlooked, reinforcing their sense of exclusion (Shakespeare, 2018).

How Spaces Reinforce the “Othered Other”

Marginalization is often closely tied to how spaces are designed and how systems operate. Tom Shakespeare (2018) argues that many barriers faced by people with disabilities stem not from their disabilities, but from the environments they navigate. Public spaces, workplaces, and transportation systems are frequently built with a limited range of abilities in mind, implying that these spaces were not intended for use by everyone.

Public transportation offers a clear example. Despite efforts to improve accessibility, many subways and buses still lack ramps, elevators, or clear visual and audio aids for people with mobility or sensory impairments. Even in cities working to become more accessible, these accommodations are often poorly maintained or inadequately implemented. This suggests that accessibility is an afterthought rather than a priority. For individuals with disabilities, these barriers serve as constant reminders that their needs were not fully considered in the design of these spaces (Garland-Thomson, 2019).

Exclusion is not only physical but it is also shaped by attitudes. When the needs of people with disabilities are treated as secondary, or when they are perceived as less capable, feelings of isolation increase.

For example, a person who is deaf may attend a meeting without captions or interpreters, leaving them out of both the conversation and the social dynamic. Even when these exclusions are unintentional, they can have a lasting impact on how individuals feel about their place in the world (Davis, 2017).

Everyday Barriers to Inclusion

Barriers to inclusion do not only occur in public spaces. They are also present in everyday interactions, where people with disabilities encounter both visible and invisible challenges.

Invisible disabilities refer to impairments that are not immediately apparent to others, such as chronic pain, learning disabilities, or sensory processing issues. These disabilities are harder for others to recognize, often making it difficult for individuals to get the accommodations they need.

For example, someone with sensory processing challenges may require a quieter workspace or specific lighting to feel comfortable. An employee with dyslexia may need extra time to complete tasks or access to assistive technology. Unfortunately, when these disabilities are not visible, requests for support are often met with skepticism or reluctance, leaving individuals feeling further isolated and less understood (Kittay, 2019).

Even spaces designed with accessibility in mind may not fully address everyone’s needs. An accessible restroom might exist, but if it is located far away or used for storage, it signals that accessibility was not a primary concern. These seemingly small inconveniences add up, creating a subtle but powerful sense of exclusion, even in spaces intended to be inclusive (Shakespeare, 2018).

Personhood and Value in a Culture That Prioritizes Independence

At the core of many of these barriers is a cultural belief about what determines a person’s value. Independence and self-sufficiency are frequently viewed as essential indicators of worth, with the concept of personhood—qualities that define individual value—often tied to the ability to function autonomously. This viewpoint can marginalize individuals with disabilities, who may need various forms of support, whether physical, emotional, or social (Kittay, 2019).

A potential need for assistance is often misinterpreted as a weakness. For example, someone with limited mobility who depends on a caregiver for daily tasks might be seen as lacking something essential in a culture that prizes self-sufficiency.

However, as Kittay (2019) explains, reliance on others is a universal human experience. Everyone, at some point, will need help, whether due to illness, aging, or unforeseen circumstances. Recognizing this shared reality could pave the way for more inclusive environments where people are valued not for their independence, but for their contributions within a supportive community.

A Shift in Perspective

Moving beyond the view of disability as something outside the norm requires rethinking how spaces are designed and how value is understood. Shelley Tremain (2020) calls for a shift in perspective, suggesting that disability is not inherently “different” or “lesser.” The barriers faced by people with disabilities are not inevitable; they exist because environments have historically been designed with a narrow range of users in mind.

This shift requires more than just physical modifications. It calls for a deeper commitment to inclusive design. This means designing environments from the start to accommodate people of all abilities. Instead of treating ramps, elevators, or communication aids as afterthoughts, these elements should be part of the initial design process. By integrating them early on, spaces can be inclusive and welcoming for everyone from the outset (Davis, 2017).

This approach also challenges conventional ideas about value. As Kittay (2019) argues, reliance on others is part of the human condition. Acknowledging this interdependence encourages the creation of environments where people are valued for their ability to thrive in a community, not just for their capacity to function independently.

Conclusion: Rethinking Disability and Access

The barriers faced by people with disabilities go beyond the physical; they are deeply embedded in societal norms and cultural beliefs. These barriers arise from long-held assumptions about what is “normal” and who fits within that standard.

The design of spaces—whether public or private—plays a crucial role in shaping how people with disabilities experience inclusion. Physical obstacles like stairs, along with less obvious forms of exclusion, often push individuals to the margins, reinforcing a sense of being separate from the norm (Kafer, 2017).

Rethinking disability and access involves addressing more than just physical obstacles; it requires challenging long-standing norms that shape perceptions of what is considered “normal.” These norms influence how spaces are designed, often unintentionally excluding individuals with disabilities and reinforcing their marginalization. Physical barriers, though the most visible, are only one aspect of a larger issue rooted in attitudes and cultural perceptions.

Achieving true inclusion calls for a fundamental shift in both mindset and practice. It means recognizing that disability is not a deviation from the norm but a natural variation in how people experience and navigate the world. The focus should be on creating spaces that are inclusive from the outset, rather than expecting individuals to adapt to environments that were not designed with them in mind. By embracing this approach, barriers—whether physical, social, or cultural—can begin to be dismantled, allowing for greater inclusion and participation.

In this way, disability is re-framed not as a limitation but as a perspective through which spaces can be redesigned to better serve a wider range of needs and abilities. The ultimate aim is not just to accommodate but to foster environments that respect individual differences and ensure that no one is left out.

The question remains: How can we reshape designs, systems, and values to ensure inclusion becomes the foundation, not an afterthought?


  • Davis, L. J. (2017). The end of normal: Identity in a biocultural era. University of Michigan Press.
  • Garland-Thomson, R. (2019). Staring: How we look. Oxford University Press.
  • Kittay, E. F. (2019). Learning from my daughter: The value and care of disabled minds. Oxford University Press.
  • Shakespeare, T. (2018). Disability: The basics. Routledge.
  • Tremain, S. (2020). Foucault and the government of disability. University of Michigan Press.
  • Scully, J. L. (2021). Disability bioethics: Moral bodies, moral difference. Lexington Books.
  • Kafer, A. (2017). Feminist, queer, crip. Indiana University Press.

Redefining Barriers: Access, Ability, and the Impact of Inclusive Design

Disability takes countless forms and affects millions of people worldwide. For Quinn, a young woman with cerebral palsy (CP), each day brings its own set of challenges. Her experience illustrates just one way in which disability can shape daily life, both in visible and invisible ways.

Quinn uses walking poles to help her get around, but others rely on different mobility aids like wheelchairs or canes. Everyday tasks that most people take for granted—such as buttoning a shirt or walking down the street—can require additional time and effort. For many, symptoms can fluctuate unpredictably, making each day different from the last.

Unpredictability and Perceptions: The Complexity of Disability

Disabilities can vary significantly, even among individuals with the same diagnosis. Conditions like CP or multiple sclerosis often come with an element of unpredictability, which complicates how others perceive those affected (Shapiro, 1994; Yoder et al., 2010). For instance, people may expect consistency from Quinn, but her body doesn’t follow a fixed routine.

Some mornings, Quinn’s symptoms feel manageable, and she can move through her day with relative ease. By evening, however, even the simplest tasks can become overwhelming. What begins as a smooth walk might soon lead to muscle tightness and fatigue. As the strain builds, she’s often forced to slow down, conserve her energy, or take a break to rest.

While Quinn might only need a brief pause, others with similar conditions may experience entirely different challenges, as their limitations can fluctuate in unpredictable ways.

Challenging Assumptions: The Impact of Social Biases

After a long day at work, Quinn returns home—her body exhausted but her mind still sharp and alert. She sets her walking poles aside and begins scrolling through her emails. A job listing catches her attention, perfectly aligned with her skills. Yet, as her finger hovers over the “apply” button, she hesitates, recalling her last interview and the assumptions that accompanied it.

The interviewer had glanced at her walking poles—not for long, but long enough to remind Quinn of the assumptions people often make about her abilities. These assumptions, often based on nothing more than her visible disability (Fleischer & Zames, 1990).

Research continues to reveal implicit bias against people with disabilities in hiring processes. Studies show that employers often assess candidates based on an idealized image of a worker—typically someone without a disability—resulting in exclusionary decisions driven by social biases rather than the candidates’ skills (Yoder et al., 2010).

Barriers in Physical Spaces: Navigating a World Not Designed for All

Societal assumptions are just one of the many obstacles Quinn and others with disabilities encounter. Beyond these biases, the built environment—the physical spaces people navigate daily—adds another layer of difficulty.

While accessibility laws have led to improvements in many public areas, too often, some spaces still feel like afterthoughts. Narrow doorways, steep ramps, and uneven sidewalks can quickly turn routine outings into frustrating or even hazardous tasks.

Even with legal progress, physical barriers remain widespread for those who rely on mobility aids. For Quinn, this means constantly adjusting to her surroundings. Although her walking poles grant her mobility, they can’t overcome environments that weren’t designed with her needs—or the needs of others with disabilities—in mind.

Yet physical spaces are only part of the challenge. The digital world, often assumed to be more accessible, presents its own obstacles.

Digital Barriers: The Accessibility Gap in Technology

When Quinn clicks on the job listing, her excitement quickly turns to frustration. The site’s small text and cluttered layout do not work with her screen reader. What should have been a simple task—applying for a job—becomes another hurdle.

Digital accessibility remains a significant challenge for people with disabilities. In fact, a 2021 study found that 98% of the top one million websites failed to meet accessibility standards for screen readers and other assistive technologies (WebAIM, 2021). Websites that lack proper design for such technology create unnecessary barriers (U.S. Department of Justice, 2022; Williamson, 2019).

This issue reflects a broader trend across multiple sectors, where many organizations still fail to prioritize inclusive design in digital spaces. The consequences of overlooking accessibility extend beyond technology and touch every facet of life, including essential services like healthcare.

Systemic Barriers in Healthcare: Accessing Essential Services

Even in healthcare—where the primary focus should be care and support—Quinn faces significant obstacles. Routine medical appointments can quickly become frustrating when exam tables are too high or when equipment isn’t designed to accommodate her mobility needs.

Quinn’s experience is not unique. Many people with disabilities encounter similar challenges in healthcare settings. These systemic barriers make it difficult to access proper care, often resulting in worse health outcomes for individuals with disabilities (Iezzoni et al., 2021).

Universal Design: Creating Spaces for All Abilities

Quinn’s obstacles are not predetermined (fixed or set in advance). They stem from environments that fail to account for diverse needs. Universal design offers a proactive solution by creating spaces that work for everyone.

Features like ramps and wide doorways benefit more than just wheelchair users—they also help parents with strollers, delivery workers with carts, and individuals with temporary injuries. By making spaces accessible to all, these inclusive design elements improve both usability and convenience for a wide range of people (Steinfeld & Maisel, 2012; Williamson, 2019).

However, physical design alone isn’t enough. True inclusion requires a broader approach. The need for accessible environments extends beyond buildings and into workplaces. A 2021 review of employment structures emphasized that many companies still fail to provide the social and technical support systems necessary for employees with disabilities to succeed (Yoder et al., 2010). For lasting change, inclusive design must be woven into every aspect of life, from physical spaces to workplace culture.

To drive lasting change, inclusive design must be integrated into every facet of society, from physical infrastructure to workplace culture and beyond.

Conclusion: Rethinking Accessibility for Greater Equity

Quinn’s experiences are not isolated; they reflect the broader reality faced by millions of individuals with disabilities who navigate environments that often fail to meet their needs. These challenges—whether physical, social, or digital—stem from systems that overlook the diversity of people’s needs.

True accessibility goes beyond simply meeting legal requirements. It is about designing spaces, technologies, and fostering attitudes that prioritize inclusion from the outset. This requires addressing societal assumptions and biases that limit opportunities for people with disabilities.

Breaking down these barriers calls for innovation, policy reform, and increased awareness of the need for inclusion. Can meaningful progress be made if accessibility continues to be an afterthought? Achieving genuine inclusion requires making accessibility a core principle in the design of communities and environments. The responsibility for creating this shift is shared by all.


  • Fleischer, D. Z., & Zames, F. (2005). Disability rights: The overlooked civil rights issue. Disability Studies Quarterly, 25(4).
  • Shapiro, J. P. (1994). No pity: People with disabilities forging a new civil rights movement. Times Books.
  • Steinfeld, E., & Maisel, J. (2012). Universal design: Creating inclusive environments. Wiley.
  • U.S. Department of Justice. (2022). Guidance on web accessibility and the ADA.
  • WebAIM. (2021). The WebAIM Million: An annual accessibility analysis of the top 1,000,000 home pages.
  • Williamson, B. (2019). Accessible America: A history of disability and design. Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Yoder, D. N., Braddock, E. J., & Cavenagh, J. P. (2010). Disability in America. Polity Press.

From Awareness to Action: Rethinking Inclusive Workplaces for Lasting Impact

Conversations about inclusion, especially in the workplace during events like National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), offer important foundations for meaningful change. However, to create a lasting impact, these discussions must extend beyond the limited time frames of NDEAM. True progress requires integrating inclusion into everyday practices.

It’s not simply about recognizing diversity during key events—it is about creating environments that support everyone, every day. When inclusion is fully integrated into the workplace, it fosters a sense of belonging that goes beyond symbolic gestures. It leads to meaningful and lasting change for all employees, creating a culture that values and respects each individual’s contribution.

Rethinking Accommodations with Universal Design

In many workplaces, accommodations for employees with disabilities are still treated as “special provisions.” This perspective can unintentionally suggest a separation between employees with disabilities and their peers. A more inclusive approach involves adopting Universal Design, which focuses on creating environments which are accessible to everyone from the start, eliminating the need for individual adaptations. This shift promotes inclusive principles and a sense of belonging for all employees.

Examples of Universal Design in action include:

  • Adjustable workstations: These allow employees to modify desks for different needs, whether seated, standing, or using mobility aids.
  • Accessible technology: Software with built-in accessibility features like screen readers or voice recognition ensures everyone can engage with workplace tools (Guffey et al., 2021).
  • Clear signage and navigation: Workplaces with easy-to-read signage and accessible pathways enable independent navigation for all employees.

As Wiley’s Walk highlights, inclusion goes beyond meeting legal requirements. It’s about fostering environments where people feel genuinely respected and empowered in their roles (Wiley’s Walk, 2024).

Technology’s Role in Driving Workplace Accessibility

Technology can play a transformative role in enhancing accessibility. However, it must be thoughtfully integrated in workplace settings to ensure that it benefits all employees. For instance, assistive tools like screen readers are invaluable to employees with visual impairments but are only effective if the company’s digital platforms are compatible. According to the World Health Organization (2022), the under use of assistive technology, often due to cost or poor integration, highlights the need for more accessible and intuitive tools.

By prioritizing Universal Design in technology, companies can ensure that all employees, regardless of their abilities, can engage fully with workplace systems (Jaeger, 2011).

Addressing Intersectional Challenges

Disability often intersects with other aspects of identity, such as race and gender, leading to compounded challenges. Research indicates that individuals with disabilities from marginalized racial groups, such as Black and Latinx communities, experience higher unemployment rates (National Disability Institute, 2023). To address these barriers, businesses should develop policies that acknowledge and accommodate these diverse experiences.

One effective strategy is to create mentorship programs tailored to underrepresented groups. By connecting employees from diverse backgrounds with mentors who understand their challenges, businesses can foster a culture of belonging that goes beyond accommodations.

Leadership and Long-Term Cultural Change

Sustainable inclusion, meaning inclusion that is long-lasting and meaningful, starts with strong leadership. When leadership teams reflect the diversity of the workforce, it shows that inclusion is a key value for the organization. Research by Schur et al. (2009) (Schur et al., 2009; Munsell et al., 2024) found that having diverse leadership not only improves representation but also enhances overall performance and encourages innovation.

Creating a truly inclusive environment requires more than just hiring diverse leaders—it involves fostering a culture of continuous learning, accountability, and action. When leaders prioritize inclusion in recruitment, mentorship, and professional development, they build workplaces where all employees feel valued and supported.

Sustaining Inclusion Year-Round

As businesses reflect on the impact of NDEAM, it is essential to ensure that inclusion remains a year-round priority. This can be achieved through regular training, establishing employee resource groups, and creating accessible physical and digital work spaces.

As Wiley’s Walk emphasizes, inclusion must be seen as an ongoing journey, not just a one-month initiative. By embedding inclusive practices into everyday operations, businesses can create environments where all employees feel respected, valued, and empowered (Wiley’s Walk, 2024).

In the end, true inclusion is about more than legal compliance or hitting diversity quotas. It’s about building workplaces where everyone has the tools, respect, and support they need to succeed. With strong leadership, intentional design, and the right technology, companies can create a culture where diversity is not just celebrated during certain months but embraced every day.


  • Cavanagh, J., Bartram, T., Meacham, H., Bigby, C., Oakman, J., & Fossey, E. (2021). Supporting workers with disabilities: A scoping review of the role of human resource management in contemporary organisations. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 55(1), 6–
  • Guffey, M. E., Loewy, D., & Almonte, R. (2021). Business communication: Process and product (10th ed.). Cengage Learning.
  • Jaeger, P. T. (2011). Disability and the Internet: Confronting a digital divide. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Munsell, E. G. S., Kudla, A., Su, H., Wong, J., Crown, D., Capraro, P., Trierweiler, R., Park, M., & Heinemann, A. W. (2024). Employers’ perceptions of challenges and strategies in hiring, retaining, and promoting employees with physical disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 67(3), 177–189.
  • National Disability Institute. (2023). Intersectionality of race and disability: Economic disparities in employment. Retrieved from
  • Schur, L., Kruse, D., & Blasi, J. (2009). Is disability disabling in all workplaces? Workplace disparities and corporate culture. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 48(3), 381-410.
  • World Health Organization. (2022). Global report on assistive technology. Retrieved from
  • Wiley’s Walk. (2024). From access to belonging. Retrieved from

The Pros and Cons of NDEAM: Moving Toward Lasting Inclusion

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is more than just a date on the calendar; it is an opportunity to rethink how workplaces can truly welcome and support everyone.

Every October, NDEAM encourages organizations, employees, and communities to reflect on the barriers that people with disabilities face in the workforce. The goal isn’t just to raise awareness; it is to inspire meaningful actions that create lasting change, helping to ensure that everyone feels included and valued.

The Origins and Purpose of NDEAM

NDEAM, established by the U.S. Congress in 1988, shines a light on the employment needs and contributions of people with disabilities. However, its roots date back to 1945, when “National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week” was introduced to help World War II veterans who returned home with disabilities find meaningful work. Over the decades, this recognition evolved to reflect the broad range of challenges and contributions of all people with disabilities, culminating in a month-long observance that focuses on sustainable advocacy (U.S. Department of Labor, 2022).

NDEAM has a clear purpose: to raise awareness about the skills and value people with disabilities bring to the workforce, to dispel misconceptions, and to encourage more inclusive hiring practices. At its core, it is about ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to meaningful work that fosters independence and a sense of belonging.

Why Employment Matters for People with Disabilities

Work is about more than earning a paycheck—it’s about purpose and autonomy. For individuals with disabilities, employment offers a sense of belonging and autonomy. Autonomy, or the ability to make one’s own choices and live independently, is deeply tied to the ability to work. For people with disabilities, securing meaningful employment provides an important avenue to express that independence.

Barriers such as outdated policies, unconscious biases, and a lack of accessibility can continue to impact employment opportunities for people with disabilities (Schur et al., 2021). These challenges, whether related to insufficient accommodations, inaccessible environments, or prevailing stereotypes, may limit individuals’ ability to fully engage and succeed in their professional roles. Reducing these barriers is an important step toward fostering more inclusive work environments.

When people with disabilities have the same access to job opportunities, it benefits everyone. Not only do people with disabilities experience increased fulfillment and autonomy, but workplaces also become more innovative. Diverse teams bring unique perspectives and solutions that drive creativity and progress.

The Role of NDEAM in Driving Change

Each year, NDEAM encourages organizations to take a closer look at how inclusive their work environments really are. Many use this time to reflect on their practices and explore ways to enhance accessibility—whether through flexible work arrangements, the adoption of assistive technologies, or improvements to the physical work spaces. The goal is to remove unnecessary barriers (Bruyère et al., 2020).

Some companies go further, using NDEAM as a launching pad for new diversity initiatives. Programs like Microsoft’s hiring efforts for neurodivergent employees illustrate that inclusion goes beyond legal requirements. It is about creating environments where everyone is empowered to contribute their best work.

The Pros and Cons of NDEAM

Having a dedicated month like NDEAM offers various benefits. It helps increase awareness, encourages meaningful discussions, and prompts businesses to review their hiring practices. For some organizations, NDEAM acts as a catalyst for change, initiating reflection and inspiring new initiatives that may not have been previously prioritized. It also provides an opportunity to share success stories, potentially motivating others to adopt similar practices.

However, NDEAM has its challenges. One of the risks is performative activism, where companies make visible but superficial gestures—such as posting on social media or hosting one-off events—without making lasting changes. Sometimes, disability awareness can be framed as a branding opportunity rather than a genuine commitment to inclusion.

There is also the potential downside of relying too heavily on NDEAM as a once-a-year effort. If inclusion efforts fade after October, the impact is limited. Real progress happens when inclusion is prioritized year-round.

Moving Beyond One-Time Awareness

The challenge with awareness months like NDEAM is making sure they lead to long-term change. Social media posts and single events might help raise visibility, but they don’t necessarily lead to a culture of inclusion. Progress requires a sustained commitment to embedding inclusive practices into the daily operations of a company. Ensuring that inclusion is woven into the organizational culture—not just as a box to tick during October—is key.

The Path to Continuous Inclusion

For inclusion to become a lasting reality, companies need to focus on strategies like Universal Design—creating workplaces that are accessible from the ground up, so that constant accommodations aren’t needed. When accessibility is built in from the start, everyone benefits (Story et al., 2020).

Ongoing education is also critical. Providing regular training for employees and managers helps foster a culture where inclusion is not only valued but practiced daily. Teaching staff about disability rights, the importance of accommodations, and how to cultivate an inclusive environment ensures that every employee feels supported.

Policy and Advocacy

While NDEAM raises awareness, policy changes are equally important in addressing broader systemic issues. Stronger disability employment laws at the state and national levels can help promote inclusive practices and protect the rights of workers with disabilities. Advocacy for these changes ensures that inclusion becomes a priority (U.S. Department of Labor, 2022).

Conclusion: From Awareness to Action

NDEAM serves as a reminder of the importance of inclusion, but the real work extends beyond the month of October. Creating truly inclusive workplaces requires ongoing effort—from incorporating Universal Design to providing education and advocating for stronger policies. While NDEAM sparks reflection and action, how can organizations ensure inclusion becomes part of their daily operations, rather than just a seasonal focus?

Ensuring Inclusion Becomes a part of daily workforce culture

  1. Create an Inclusion Task Force – Designating a team that includes people with disabilities to regularly review policies and practices ensures that inclusion remains at the forefront all year long.
  2. Implement Universal Design – Designing workplaces, both physical and digital, that are accessible from the start makes inclusion seamless. This removes the need for constant accommodations and ensures that the workplace supports all employees (Story et al., 2020).
  3. Continuous Training and Education – Offering ongoing training sessions about disability rights, accommodations, and inclusive practices builds a culture of understanding and acceptance.
  4. Gather Feedback – Seeking feedback from employees with disabilities helps organizations better understand their experiences and continuously improve inclusion efforts.

Final Thoughts

NDEAM is a valuable time to reflect on the importance of disability inclusion, but its real impact comes from the actions that follow. By incorporating inclusive practices like Universal Design, ongoing training, and continuous feedback into daily operations, organizations can make inclusion a priority year-round. Building spaces where everyone feels supported and respected isn’t just about checking a box during October—it’s about creating a workplace where every voice matters, every day.


  • Bruyère, S. M., von Schrader, S., Coduti, W. A., & Bjelland, M. J. (2020). Disability and employer practices: Research across the disciplines. Rehabilitation Research, Policy, and Education, 34(1), 11-26.
  • Burke, J., Bezyak, J., Fraser, R. T., Pete, J., Ditchman, N., & Chan, F. (2021). Employers’ attitudes towards hiring and retaining people with disabilities: A review of the literature. The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counseling, 27(2), 60-76.
  • Erickson, W., von Schrader, S., & Bruyère, S. (2022). Disability disclosure and workplace accommodations among people with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 15(1), 100889.
  • Kraus, L., Lauer, E., Coleman, R., & Houtenville, A. (2018). 2018 Disability statistics annual report. University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability.
  • Schur, L., Nishii, L. H., Adya, M., Kruse, D., Bruyère, S. M., & Blanck, P. (2021). Accommodating employees with and without disabilities. Human Resource Management, 60(3), 315-328.
  • Story, M. F., Mueller, J. L., & Mace, R. L. (2020). Universal design: Creating inclusive environments. John Wiley & Sons.
  • U.S. Department of Labor. (2022). National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Retrieved from